2017 m. rugsėjo 12-15 d. M. Daraškevičius skaitė trumpą paskaitą (short lecture) 43-iajame Tarptautiniame Farmacijos Istorijos kongrese (43rd International Congress for the History of Pharmacy), kuris šiais metais vyko Varšuvoje (2019 m. vyks Vašingtone, JAV).
Abstract number 0063:
Daraškevičius M.
Department of Art History and Visual Culture at the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Saltoniškių g. 58, LT–08105, Vilnius, Lithuania, Email: marius@daraskevicius.lt
Still room (pl. apteczka) in a large Lithuanian nobility manor house used for the storage herbs, preserves, delicacies and cordials, represent an extinct tradition, together with the manor institution itself, which has been erased from the public’s historical memory. The aim of this research is to examine these extinct still rooms, to define the cause of their emergence, to determine their specific location in the house plans and connections to other premises, and to provide an image of the room furnishings according to the sources of information that have been collected. The research is based on in-situ sources, iconographic material, periodicals, ego-documents, and research conducted through comparative and synthesis methods. The results make it possible to justify the important role of still room institution in the structure of the provincial manor community, situated away from the city, as well as localised the typical places for these rooms in the house, and presented partial images of the rooms themselves. It is expected that this study will help the new owners understand not only acquired cultural and historical value of manor houses, but also the culture and role of the province nobility, which are adapted to the architecture and reflected the needs of the owners of everyday life culture and commitments to the community.
Keywords: still room, household medicine, manor house, nobility, Lithuania